사이트 내 전체검색
Company Profile
Company History
1998.12 Awarded Q-mark Appreciation award
1998.04 Signed partnership with Hansem Co.,LTD
1997.10 Joined KFFIC (Korea federation of furniture Industry Cooperative)
1997.05 SBS Morningwide Explore exemplary companies broadcasting
1995.11 Attended Children Education Exhibition in Yuwido
1993.08 Acquired Q-mark
1991.05 Changed company name into Parangsae
1970 Established DaehanGyogusa
(10939) 44-83, Myeongbongsan-ro 79beon-gil, Jori-eup, Paju-si, Gyunggi-do, South Korea
Main Phone Number: +82-31-946-4200 Fax: +31-946-4201 Company Registration Number: 141-81-10754
E-mail : prsi@prsi.co.kr
Copyright(c)2017Parangsae Co.,LTD All right reserved